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How You Answer this Question is Key to Success in Your Life
In this episode, we will discuss the importance of clarity of vision and maximizing the pursuits that will make you successful in your life’s journey. So, do you know what your vision is in life? Is the vision of YOUR future crystal clear? For example, we all meet people who have a clarity of vision […]
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Episode 14: 6 Things My Mom Taught Me
My Mom, Rachel Herrera, passed away in 2012 at the age of 81 six years after fighting cancer of the blood. She was 4ft 10 inches, under 100 1bs, movie star beautiful and tougher than a Navy Seal. I woke up early this morning thinking what she taught me. And the lessons came flooding in. […]
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Episode 13: Patterns in Your Life to Change Your Future
In this episode, we will discuss the importance of recognizing patterns in our lives and that by identifying them and deciphering them we can make effect dramatic change in our future. “What we call chaos is just patterns we haven’t recognized. What we call random is just patterns we can’t decipher.” ~Chuck Palahniuk Look around […]
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Episode 12: You’re Too Busy, That’s a Load of BS
Today’s episode #012 is titled Your TOO Busy – That’s a Load of BS. In this episode, we will discuss the rampant belief that being busy is worthy of a medal of distinction. So, how many times, have you ever said to yourself, “I’m too busy”? “I’m too busy to meet this person…” “I’m too […]